Thursday, October 13, 2011

Scheduling for the Stay at Home Mom?

At my "real" job, I typically spend my days following a set schedule...never wavering (unless my principal approves it, of course), never changing. 
Now that I am at my "pretend" job (i.e. I bring in absolutely no money and contribute NOTHING to our household), I can't quite figure out how to schedule my days!

How ridiculous is that?  I finally get away from a strict schedule and all I can think about is creating a new one for the family!  My husband must think I am completely insane!

Here is the schedule I have created....why?  I have no idea, I guess it makes me feel like I am accomplishing something throughout the week!

-Monday: Laundry and "school-time" for my crazy intelligent 3 year old
-Tuesday: Clean the floors (vacuum or scrub) and public library time
-Wednesday: Clean bathrooms, make baby food, and take 3 year old to dance
-Thursday: PAYDAY (however, not my payday) grocery shopping
-Friday: Shop and run random errands

What is truly funny; the fact that I rarely stick to this schedule!  It is posted on the fridge, I talk about doing specific things on specific days...but the truth is, I don't really like this plan nor do I ever actually try to stick with it!

What is it that makes me create a schedule and yet completely disregard it?

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